Plans Fees
/ Plans Fees
2 days / week
40 $ 35 $ Monthly
- 8 classes / month
- 4 hours / month
Choose Plan
3 days / week
60 $ 55 $ Monthly
- 12 classes / month
- 6 hours / month
Choose Plan
4 days / week
80 $ 75 $ Monthly
- 16 classes / month
- 8 hours / month
Choose Plan
5 days / week
100 $ 90 $ Monthly
- 20 classes / month
- 10 hours / month
Choose Plan
6 days / week
120 $ 110 $ Monthly
- 24 classes / month
- 12 hours / month
Choose Plan
2 days / week
60 $ 55 $ Monthly
- 8 classes / month
- 6 hours / month
Choose Plan
3 days / week
90 $ 85 $ Monthly
- 12 classes / month
- 9 hours / month
Choose Plan
4 days / week
120 $ 110 $ Monthly
- 16 classes / month
- 12 hours / month
Choose Plan
5 days / week
150 $ 135 $ Monthly
- 20 classes / month
- 15 hours / month
Choose Plan
6 days / week
180 $ 160 $ Monthly
- 24 classes / month
- 18 hours / month
Choose Plan
1 days / week
40 $ 35 $ Monthly
- 4 classes / month
- 4 hours / month
Choose Plan
2 days / week
80 $ 75 $ Monthly
- 8 classes / month
- 8 hours / month
Choose Plan
3 days / week
120 $ 110 Monthly
- 12 classes / month
- 12 hours / month
Choose Plan
4 days / week
160 $ 145 $ Monthly
- 16 classes / month
- 16 hours / month
Choose Plan
5 days / week
200 $ 180 $ Monthly
- 20 classes / month
- 20 hours / month
Choose Plan
1 Free trial
- 24/7 Full support
- Proficient Arabic native teachers
- Institutionally certified (Azhar)
- Classes reports
- Referral discount
- Level Passing Certificate
- Progress report every quarter
- Academic coach (Personal)
- Direct chat with teacher and coach
- Full learning portal access
- Full syllabus access
- 15 % Family discount
Choose Plan